Steam at Work 7th & 8th September
Our ever popular steam rally, 'Steam at Work' returns once again for 2024.
When we started this event, 3 years ago, we called it 'Steam at Work' because our rally is different. It is not in a field, engines are spread around the Museum grounds, and this is not a 'park and polish' rally with rows of gleaming engines, at our rally, engines moving, and working is the theme. Whilst not the biggest rally, our event certinaly captures the sights, sounds and smells of the age of steam. Visitors can immerse themsleves in this bygone world, and each day concludes with a mass parade of engines through the museum.
With 20+ full size tractions engines, steam rollers, steam lorries and road locmotives in attenandance alongside an array of miniature engines and stationary engines this is an event 'in motion' and really is not to be missed.
Exhibitor Entry Information:
Entries of full size engines, miniatures and stationary engines are all welcome. Coal is provided. Engines can arrive any time the week before the event and can be stored on site after the event by arrnagement with the Operations Manager.
Those wishing to enter should email the Museum Operations Manager, Rob Bentley at the following address, stating:
- Name of Entrant
- Engine type
- Year of manufacture
- Whether you are attending Saturday, Sunday or both.
- Whether you require a camping pitch, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday night
- Whether you are roading the engine to us or using a low-loader / trailer and whether or not you require storage for your low-loader / trailer on site during the event.
Joining instructions will be sent out a few weeks prior to the event. Please direct all questions via the emai address above to the Operations Manager.
Ticket options
Help support Rural Life Living Museum
If you are a UK taxpayer and you make a donation that is over 10% greater than the admission price, the Government will give us an extra 25% on top of your entrance fee, at no additional cost to you. It’s called a Gift Aid visit and makes a massive difference to charities like us. Gift Aid is of course entirely voluntary. If you are a UK Tax payer and would like to add the donation and Gift Aid to your visit, then please select "Include Donation with my Purchase" below.
Our ever popular steam rally, 'Steam at Work' returns once again for 2024.
When we started this event, 3 years ago, we called it 'Steam at Work' because our rally is different. It is not in a field, engines are spread around the Museum grounds, and this is not a 'park and polish' rally with rows of gleaming engines, at our rally, engines moving, and working is the theme. Whilst not the biggest rally, our event certinaly captures the sights, sounds and smells of the age of steam. Visitors can immerse themsleves in this bygone world, and each day concludes with a mass parade of engines through the museum.
With 20+ full size tractions engines, steam rollers, steam lorries and road locmotives in attenandance alongside an array of miniature engines and stationary engines this is an event 'in motion' and really is not to be missed.
Exhibitor Entry Information:
Entries of full size engines, miniatures and stationary engines are all welcome. Coal is provided. Engines can arrive any time the week before the event and can be stored on site after the event by arrnagement with the Operations Manager.
Those wishing to enter should email the Museum Operations Manager, Rob Bentley at the following address, stating:
- Name of Entrant
- Engine type
- Year of manufacture
- Whether you are attending Saturday, Sunday or both.
- Whether you require a camping pitch, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday night
- Whether you are roading the engine to us or using a low-loader / trailer and whether or not you require storage for your low-loader / trailer on site during the event.
Joining instructions will be sent out a few weeks prior to the event. Please direct all questions via the emai address above to the Operations Manager.